
December 7, 2016

Finding the Perfect Office Space in London

Finding the perfect office space to begin, grow, or simply maintain your business can be extremely difficult. Sometimes it feels simply impossible to do – especially in big cities, where it can seem like all of the beautiful, high-traffic, large, useful, and affordable buildings have long ago been bought or rented, and are no longer […]

Office Space 0 Comment
September 7, 2016

How Hot Desk/Shared Office Space Works

If you work in a home-based business, have mobile workers, are just beginning a startup, often work with freelancers and entrepreneurs, or are a freelancer or entrepreneur, work hubs are definitely worth looking into if you need an office space – but only on occasion. If you work in an environment where office space is […]

Office Space
May 3, 2016

Hot Desks: Why Are They So Popular?

Looking to find a London office? Well, a fairly recent business tactic, beginning in the 1980s and 1990s, but truly taking off until the last few years, hot desking is a business model where employees are given desk space during their work time, but when that employee is off, someone else is using their workspace. […]

Office Space